
KOKI TECHNIK is a global automotive supplier for transmission systems such as shift towers, shift forks and parking locks.

In 2014 we started a think tank to create a new business for future mobility. After benchmarking various materials and technologies our team went ahead with specific composites. The resulting technology we call CarNaTrix®. This brand expresses our own expectations: CARbon – ultra lightweight design / NAture – resource efficient production / maTRIX – smart composite solutions. In 2016 we achieved the essential breakthrough with our first application, a smart shift fork for high-end transmission.

The result was impressive: The CarNaTrix® solution is significantly lighter, stronger and cheaper than the aluminium design. A wide range of innovative transmission products followed.

In the next step CarNaTrix® technology is being adapted in more fields of application such as powertrain, chassis, eMobility and further industries.